GuestHouse Reservation Form

First Name:
Last Name:
Affiliation to HCYR:
If other, please explain connection to HCYR:

Name of Facility Requested:
Number of Nights:
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
Approximate Arrival Time:
Approximate Departure Time:

Description of All Cars (Please list all vehicles that will be on the property. Color, make, model, license plate #):
Number of Additional Guests:

Name of Sponsor - Please fill out if you are sponsoring someone else's visit. If left blank, the requestor will be considered the sponsor. Note: Sponsors are held responsible to the "Terms of Agreement" stated below.:
Terms of Agreement - As sponsor of this visit, I understand that my guest and I are responsible for leaving the Retreat House in "next guest ready" condition. This means: Linens freshly washed and folded on covered beds for the next guest to see. Dishwasher, sinks, clothes washer, and dryer all cleared. Trash placed in available garbage bags and placed in outside trash container. Floors mopped (mop may be in outside closet). Our policy also states that no alcohol, tobacco or pets are allowed at any of the BSRC Guest Houses. Yes, I agree to these terms.: